Side dishes Radish salad with cheese
Radish salad with cheese
Recipe Radish salad with cheese
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The radish in my garden has already grown, so I had to try one salad that I was saving for this moment. I don't even remember buying radishes anymore, I always use only homegrown ones from the garden. They are tastier, spicier. There are many types, but I like the small balls best, and they are also less watery and much more suitable for salad than the elongated, carrot-shaped ones.

BestOlivia    ·   29.9.2022

Radish salad with cheese

The radish in my garden has already grown, so I had to try one salad that I was saving for this moment. I don't even remember buying radishes anymore, I always use only homegrown ones from the garden. They are tastier, spicier. There are many types, but I like the small balls best, and they are also less watery and much more suitable for salad than the elongated, carrot-shaped ones.

2 bunches
1 bunch
spring onions
3.5 oz
hard cheese
3.5 oz
a pinch
a pinch
Preparation steps
  1. Grate the radishes coarsely, add chopped spring onion and finely chopped or grated cheese.
  2. Add mayonnaise and a bit of salt and pepper.
  3. Serve with bread.


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